:SYSTem Commands 25Keysight InfiniiVision DSOX1204A/G Oscilloscopes Programmer's Guide 567:SYSTem:SETup(see page 798)Command Syntax :SYSTem:SETup ::= binary block data in IEEE 488.2 # format.The :SYSTem:SETup command sets the oscilloscope as defined by the data in thesetup (learn) string sent from the controller. The setup string does not change theinterface mode or interface address.Query Syntax :SYSTem:SETup?The :SYSTem:SETup? query operates the same as the *LRN? query. It outputs thecurrent oscilloscope setup in the form of a learn string to the controller. The setup(learn) string is sent and received as a binary block of data. The format for the datatransmission is the # format defined in the IEEE 488.2 specification.Return Format ::= binary block data in IEEE 488.2 # formatSee Also • "Introduction to :SYSTem Commands" on page 547• "*LRN (Learn Device Setup)" on page 117Example Code ' SAVE_SYSTEM_SETUP - The :SYSTEM:SETUP? query returns a program' message that contains the current state of the instrument. Its' format is a definite-length binary block, for example,' #800075595' where the setup string is 75595 bytes in length.myScope.WriteString ":SYSTEM:SETUP?"varQueryResult = myScope.ReadIEEEBlock(BinaryType_UI1)CheckForInstrumentErrors ' After reading query results.' Output setup string to a file:Dim strPath As StringstrPath = "c:\scope\config\setup.dat"' Open file for output.Close #1 ' If #1 is open, close it.Open strPath For Binary Access Write Lock Write As #1Put #1, , varQueryResult ' Write data.Close #1 ' Close file.' RESTORE_SYSTEM_SETUP - Read the setup string from a file and' write it back to the oscilloscope.Dim varSetupString As VariantstrPath = "c:\scope\config\setup.dat"' Open file for input.Open strPath For Binary Access Read As #1Get #1, , varSetupString ' Read data.Close #1 ' Close file.