2-20 Keysight M937xA PXIe Service GuideTests, Adjustments, and TroubleshootingSystem Verification2-System VerificationSystem verification is used to verify system-level, error-corrected uncertaintylimits for network analyzer measurements. The verification procedure isautomated and is contained in the firmware of the network analyzer.The device data provided with the verification kit has a traceable path to anational standard. The difference between the supplied traceable data and themeasured data must fall within the total uncertainty limits at all frequencies forthe system verification to pass.The total measurement uncertainty limits for the system verification are thesum of the factory measurement uncertainties for the verification devices andthe uncertainties associated with the system being verified.What the System Verification VerifiesThe system verification procedure verifies proper operation of the:- network analyzer- calibration kit- test port cablestogether as a “system.” It DOES NOT verify that any of these components passtheir specifications independently. The user is responsible for independentlycalibrating and verifying the proper operation of the calibration kit and testport cables prior to performing the system verification.Measurement UncertaintyMeasurement uncertainty is defined as the sum of the residual systematic(repeatable) errors, and the random (non-repeatable) errors in themeasurement system after calibration.The systematic errors are:- directivity- source match- load matchPassing this system verification does not guarantee that the networkanalyzer meets all of its performance specifications. However, it doesshow that the network analyzer being verified measures the same deviceswith the same results as a factory system which has had all of itsspecifications verified and its total measurement uncertainty minimized.Additional equipment or accessories used with the above system are notverified by system verification.