2-30 Keysight M937xA PXIe Service GuideTests, Adjustments, and TroubleshootingPerformance Tests2-Performance TestsThe performance tests verify the electrical performance of your networkanalyzer. These performance tests are included in the analyzer’s firmware withOption 897 or Option 898. Your analyzer is automatically configured for eachindividual test.The model numbers of the equipment used by these performance tests arespecified under “Get the Required Service Test Equipment” on page 2-3.There are nine tests in the Option 897 or 898 performance test package:- “Source Power Accuracy Test” on page 2-31- “Source Maximum Power Output Test” on page 2-33- “Source Power Linearity Test” on page 2-35- “Frequency Accuracy Test” on page 2-36- “Trace Noise Test” on page 2-37- “Receiver Compression Test” on page 2-38- “Noise Floor Test” on page 2-40- “Calibration Coefficients Test” on page 2-42- “Dynamic Accuracy Test” on page 2-43Power Measurement Receiver System (PNAasPowerMeter)The PXI VNA source has harmonic content which is high enough to distortpower measurements made with a broadband power sensor. Therefore, we usea calibrated PNA receiver system as the filtered power level measurementstandard for several of these tests. This receiver is the combination of a PNA, atest cable connected to one of the PNA test ports, and a 10 dB attenuatorconnected to the end of the test cable. Some tests add an adapter betweenthe test cable and the PNA in order to reverse the sex of the connection at theend of the attenuator. This power measurement receiver system will be referredto as PNAasPowerMeter.