Safety InformationThe following general safety precau-tions must be observed during allphases of operation of this instrument.Failure to comply with these precau-tions or with specific warnings or oper-ating instructions in the productmanuals violates safety standards ofdesign, manufacture, and intended useof the instrument. Keysight Technolo-gies assumes no liability for the cus-tomer's failure to comply with theserequirements.GeneralDo not use this product in any manner notspecified by the manufacturer. The protec-tive features of this product must not beimpaired if it is used in a manner specified inthe operation instructions.Before Applying PowerVerify that all safety precautions are taken.Make all connections to the unit beforeapplying power. Note the external markingsdescribed under “Safety Symbols”.Ground the InstrumentKeysight chassis’ are provided with agrounding-type power plug. Theinstrument chassis and cover must beconnected to an electrical ground tominimize shock hazard. The ground pinmust be firmly connected to an electri-cal ground (safety ground) terminal atthe power outlet. Any interruption ofthe protective (grounding) conductoror disconnection of the protectiveearth terminal will cause a potentialshock hazard that could result in per-sonal injury.Do Not Operate in an ExplosiveAtmosphereDo not operate the module/chassis inthe presence of flammable gases orfumes.Do Not Operate Near FlammableLiquidsDo not operate the module/chassis inthe presence of flammable liquids ornear containers of such liquids.CleaningClean the outside of the Keysight mod-ule/chassis with a soft, lint-free,slightly dampened cloth. Do not usedetergent or chemical solvents.Do Not Remove Instrument CoverOnly qualified, service-trained person-nel who are aware of the hazardsinvolved should remove instrumentcovers. Always disconnect the powercable and any external circuits beforeremoving the instrument cover.Keep away from live circuitsOperating personnel must not removeequipment covers or shields. Proce-dures involving the removal of coversand shields are for use by service-trained personnel only. Under certainconditions, dangerous voltages mayexist even with the equipmentswitched off. To avoid dangerous elec-trical shock, DO NOT perform proce-dures involving cover or shield removalunless you are qualified to do so.DO NOT operate damagedequipmentWhenever it is possible that the safetyprotection features built into this prod-uct have been impaired, either throughphysical damage, excessive moisture,or any other reason, REMOVE POWERand do not use the product until safeoperation can be verified by service-trained personnel. If necessary, returnthe product to an Keysight Technolo-gies Sales and Service Office for ser-vice and repair to ensure the safetyfeatures are maintained.DO NOT block the primarydisconnectThe primary disconnect device is theappliance connector/power cord whena chassis used by itself, but wheninstalled into a rack or system the dis-connect may be impaired and must beconsidered part of the installation.Do Not Modify the InstrumentDo not install substitute parts or per-form any unauthorized modification tothe product. Return the product to anKeysight Sales and Service Office toensure that safety features are main-tained.In Case of DamageInstruments that appear damaged ordefective should be made inoperativeand secured against unintended oper-ation until they can be repaired byqualified service personnelDo NOT block vents and fan exhaust:To ensure adequate cooling and venti-lation, leave a gap of at least 50mm(2") around vent holes on both sides ofthe chassis.Do NOT operate with empty slots: Toensure proper cooling and avoid dam-aging equipment, fill each empty slotwith an AXIe filler panel module.Do NOT stack free-standing chassis:Stacked chassis should be rack-mounted.All modules are grounded through thechassis: During installation, tighteneach module's retaining screws tosecure the module to the chassis andto make the ground connection.Operator is responsible to maintainsafe operating conditions. To ensuresafe operating conditions, modulesshould not be operated beyond the fulltemperature range specified in theEnvironmental and physical specifica-tion. Exceeding safe operating condi-tions can result in shorter lifespan,improper module performance anduser safety issues. When the modulesare in use and operation within thespecified full temperature range is notmaintained, module surface tempera-tures may exceed safe handling condi-tions which can cause discomfort orburns if touched. In the event of amodule exceeding the full temperaturerange, always allow the module to coolbefore touching or removing modulesfrom the chassis.iv