X-Series EMI Receiver Getting Started Guide 29Front and Rear Panel FeaturesFront-Panel FeaturesOverview of key typesThe keys labeled FREQ Channel, System, and Marker Functions are allexamples of front-panel keys.Most of the dark or light gray keys access menus of functions that aredisplayed along the right side of the display. These displayed key labels arenext to a column of keys called menu keys.Menu keys list functions based on which front-panel key was pressed last.These functions are also dependant on the current selection of measurementapplication (Mode) and measurement (Meas).If the numeric value of a menu key function can be changed, it is called anactive function. The function label of the active function is highlighted afterthat key has been selected. For example, press AMPTD Y Scale. This calls upthe menu of related amplitude functions. The function labeled Ref Level (thedefault selected key in the Amplitude menu) is highlighted. Ref Level alsoappears in the upper left of the display in the measurement information area.The displayed value indicates that the function is selected and its value cannow be changed using any of the data entry controls.Some menu keys have multiple choices on their label, such as On/Off,Auto/Man, or Log/Lin (as shown above). The different choices are selected bypressing the key multiple times. For example, the Auto/Man type of key. Toselect the function, press the menu key and notice that Auto is underlined andthe key becomes highlighted. To change the function to manual, press the keyagain so that Man is underlined. If there are more than two settings on the key,keep pressing it until the desired selection is underlined.