LAARS Heating SystemsPage 10If the system temperatures are unknown at thetime of installation, class IIC or higher ventingmaterial is recommended.The MagnaTherm is a category iV appliance andmay be installed with the standards listed on Table 6.The unit’s vent can terminate through the roof, orthrough an outside wall.All installations must be done following the ventsupplier’s recommended installation techniques.if these are not available, refer to the Laarsrecommendations for the material used.For category iV boilers, have horizontal runssloping upwards not less than 1/4 inch per foot(21 mm/m) from the boiler to the vent terminal;be installed so as to prevent accumulation ofcondensate; and, where necessary, have meansprovided for drainage of condensate.Pour la catégorie iV, les chaudières ont horizontalen pente vers le haut au moins 1/4 de pouce par pied(21 mm/m) à partir de la chaudière pour l’éventborne; être installé de façon à éviter l’accumulationde condensats; et, le cas échéant, ont des moyensprévus pour l’évacuation des condensats.This will allow the condensate to run back to theMagnaTherm to drain. Route the vent pipe to theheater as directly as possible. Seal all joints. Provideadequate hangers as required in the venting systemmanufacturer’s installation instructions, or at leastevery 4 feet.The unit must not support the weight of the ventpipe. The maximum equivalent pipe length allowedis 100 feet (30m). Each elbow is considered to be5 feet (1.5m). Laars offers accessories to use withhorizontal and vertical exhaust vent systems, asshown in Table 53.2.1 Common Ventingcommon venting is explicitly not allowed withoutthe addition of an external vent extraction fan,professionally engineered and approved by the localjurisdiction. MagnTherm units are never permittedto share a vent with any catagory 1 appliances.3.2.3 Venting requirements Unique toCanadaMagnaTherm boilers and water heaters are Venttable 5. Vent accessories(Place in section 3.1)Model 2000 Model 3000 Model 4000Screen for horizontal galvanized air pipe D2012101 D2012102 D2012103Screen for horizontal PVC air pipe CA012001 CA012002 CA012003Screen for horizontal polypropylene air pipe CA012201 CA012202 CA012203Screen for vertical galvanized air pipe D2012201 D2012202 D2012203Screen for vertical PVC air pipe CA012401 CA012402 CA012403Screen for vertical polypropylene air pipe CA012601 CA012602 CA012603Table 3a - Ducted Air Accessories(Place in section 3.2)Model 2000 Model 3000 Model 4000Horizontal vent terminal for stainless steel D2012001 D2012002 D2012003Screen for horizontal CPVC vent CA012101 CA012102 CA012103Screen for vertical stainless steel vent D2012301 D2012302 D2012303Screen for vertical CPVC vent CA012501 CA012502 CA012503Table 3* - Vent Accessories(Place in section 3.5)Model 2000 Model 3000 Model 4000Air intake screen for unit placed outdoors CA011901 CA011902 CA0011903Vent terminal for unit placed outdoors CA011801 CA011802 CA011803Table 3** - Air & Vent Accessories for Units Placed OutdoorsInstallation StandardsMaterial United States CanadaStainless steel UL 1738 Venting must be ULC S636 certified for use asventing material. The venting material class mustbe chosen based upon the intended applicationof the boiler, and must be installed according tothe maximum flue gas temperature and the ventmanufacturer’s instructions.CPVC, sch 40 ANSI/ASTM F441PolypropylenePending aPProValULC S636 Class 2Ctable 6. required exhaust Vent material