LAARS Heating SystemsPage 64Section 11maIntenanCeWarnInGDisconnect all power to the unit beforeattempting any service procedures. Contactwith electricity can result in severe injury ordeath.11.1 System maintenanceDo the following once a year:1. Lubricate all the pumps in the system, per theinstructions on the pump.2. inspect the venting system for obstruction orleakage. Periodically clean the screens in thevent terminal and combustion air terminal(when used).3. Keep the area around the unit clear and freeof combustible materials, gasoline, or otherflammable vapors or liquids.4. if the unit is not going to be used for extendedperiods in locations where freezing normallyoccurs, it should be isolated from the systemand completely drained of all water.5. Low water cutoffs, if installed, should bechecked every year. Float type low watercutoffs should be flushed periodically.6. inspect and clean the condensate collection,float switch and disposal system yearly.7. when a means is provided to neutralizecondensate, ensure that the condensate is beingneutralized properly.8. Inspect the flue passages, and clean them usingbrushes or vacuums, if necessary. Sooting influe passages indicates improper combustion.Determine the cause of the problem and correctit.9. inspect the vent system and air intake system,and ensure that all joints are sealed properly.if any joints need to be resealed, completelyremove the existing sealing material, and cleanwith alcohol. Apply new sealing material, andreassemble.10. Once a year, the items listed below should beinspected by a qualified service technician:a. Appliance control f. Flow switchb. Automatic gas valve g. Low water cutoffc. Pressure switches h. Burnerd. Blower i. Heat exchangere. Pump j. ignitorDo the following once every six months:1. if a strainer is employed in a pressure reducingvalve or the piping, clean it every six months.11.2 maintenance notesUse only genuine LAARS replacement parts.CautionWhen servicing the controls, label all wires be-fore disconnecting them. Wiring errors can causeimproper and dangerous operation. Verify properoperation after servicing.The gas and electric controls in the MagnaTherm areengineered for long life and dependable operation,but the safety of the equipment depends on theirproper functioning.11.2.1 Burnercheck the burner for debris. Remove the blowerassembly to access the blower adapter plate.Remove the 4 bolts connecting the blower to thearm. Remove the blower adapter plate to accessthe burner. Pull the burner up and out. clean theburner, if necessary, by blowing compressed airfrom the outside of the burner into the center of theburner, and wipe the inside of the burner clean withglass cleaner. A dirty burner may be an indicationof improper combustion or dirty combustion air.Determine the cause of the problem, and correct it. ifthe burner gaskets are damaged, replace them whenreplacing the burner.11.2.2 modulating Gas Valve/ VenturiThe modulating gas valve consists of a valve bodythat incorporates the On/Off gas flow control and anegative pressure regulator. it provides the air/gasratio control in combination with the fuel/air mixerto the unit. it is designed to operate with gas supplypressure between 4 and 13 inches w.c.. To removethe gas valve or fuel/air mixer, shut off the powersupply to the boiler. Turn off all manual gas valves