3.2.7 Warning codes for parameter 227Operation38 17200492_002_A5 - 04/2011 - © Oerlikon Leybold VacuumP227,BitDesignation Meaning Possible cause Remedy0 Motor tempe-rature war-ningThe motortemperaturehas passed thewarning thres-holdForevacuum pres-sure too high.Gas flow too highFan defectiveWater coolingswitched offCheck the ultimate pres-sure of the backing pumpand install a biggerbacking pump if req.Seal leak, check processReplace fanSwitch on water cooling1 ConvertertemperaturewarningOvertempera-ture at thepower outputstage or withinthe frequencyconverterAmbient temperaturetoo highPoor coolingEnsure max. ambienttemperature of 45°CImprove cooling2 Bearing over-temperaturewarningThe permissi-ble warningthreshold forthe bearingtemperaturewas exceeded.Forevacuum pres-sure too high.Gas flow too highFan defectiveWater coolingswitched offCheck the ultimate pres-sure of the backing pumpand install a biggerbacking pump if req.Seal leak, check processReplace fanSwitch on water cooling3 Motor under-temperaturewarningThe minimumpermissiblemotor tempe-rature (warningthreshold) isnot reached.Ambient temperaturetoo lowPump cooling toohighEnsure min. ambient tem-perature of 0°CReduce water cooling4, 5 not used6 Overspeedwarning