ND30IoT-09A 25 User's manual4Page 1::Page 10Display field 1::Display field 8OffU1I1P1Q1:En SSelection of displayed values ona selected page and selectedfield acc. to Table 5.Table 6a or6b or 6c -dependingon theconnectionsystem5Page 13Displayed value OffU1I1:T2/B2Selection of the visualizedquantity on the analogueindicator according to table 5U1Bottom scale-0144.0 The lower value of theanalog indicator scale0.0Upper scale +0144.0 The upper value of theanalog indicator scale100.0Selection of displayed values:Table 5Item value name marking unit Signaling3Ph/4W3Ph/3W1Ph/2W00 no value - blanked display field Off 01 L1 phase voltage U1 (M, k)V x 02 L1 phase wire current I1 (k)A 03 L1 phase active power P1 (G, M, k)W x 04 L1 phase reactive power Q1 (G, M, k)var / x 05 L1 phase apparent power S1 (G, M, k)VA x 06 L1 phase active power factor(PF1=P1/S1)PF1 x 07 tg factor of L1 phase(tg=Q1/P1)tg1 x 08 L1 phase voltage THD* THD U1 % 09 L1 phase current THD THD I1 % 10 L2 phase voltage U2 (M,k)V x x11 L2 phase wire current I2 (k)A x12 L2 phase active power P2 (G, M, k)W x x13 L2 phase reactive power Q2 (G, M, k)var / x x14 L2 phase apparent power S2 (G, M, k)VA x x15 L2 phase active power factor(PF2=P2/S2)PF2 PF x x16 tg factor of L2 phase(tg=Q2/P2)tg2 x x17 L2 phase voltage THD* THD U2 % x