ND30IoT-09A 73 User's manualBit 10 – reservedBit 9 – reservedBit 8 – reservedBit 7 – reservedBit 6 – reservedBit 5 – reservedBit 4 – reservedBit 3 – reservedBit 2 – reservedBit 1 – „1” – function of MQTT protocol enabledBit 0 – „1” – function of supervisory relay enabledTable 20ARegisteraddressOperationsRange Description Default4500 R 0xFFFF, 0x0, 0x1 Connection status with the MQTT server:0xFFFF - no connection,0x0 - attempt to establish a connection,0x1 - connection has been established.0xFFFF4501 RW 0x0000-0xFEFE The first and second byte of the IP addressof the MQTT broker (B1:B2).0x25BB4502 RW 0x0000-0xFEFE The third and fourth byte of the IP address ofthe MQTT broker (B3:B4).0x6A104503 RW 0x0001-0xFFFE Port number of MQTT broker 18834504 RW 1 .. 3600 Period after which data are published (inseconds).54505 RW 0..1 Saving configuration to non-volatile memory:0 – no changes,1 – save changes.04506 RW 0..1 Enabling or disabling data publishing for theMQTT server:0 - data not published,1 - publishing data to the server.04507-4517RW 0x2D, 0x20, 0x2E,0x30-0x39 (digits),0x41-0x5A(uppercase letters),0x61-0x7A(lowercase letters)The MQTT client name written with twocharacters for each register. For example,the client's name in the form 12345 will besaved in the registers as follows:4507: 3132,4508: 3334,4509: 3500.4518-4528RW 0x2D, 0x20, 0x2E,0x30-0x39 (digits),0x41-0x5A(uppercase letters),0x61-0x7A(lowercase letters)The MQTT topic name written with twocharacters for each register. For example,the topic name in the form 23456 will besaved in the registers as follows:4518: 3233,4519: 3435,4520: 3600.4529 RW 0x0000-0x3FFF Parameters sent by MQTTbit0 - Standardbit1 - Voltagesbit2 - Currents0x0001