ND30IoT-09A 37 User's manual9 SERIAL INTERFACES9.1 RS485 INTERFACE – list of parametersThe implemented protocol is compliant with the PI-MBUS-300 Rev G specification ofModicon. List of ND30IoT meter serial interface parameters: identifier 0xD9 meter address 1..247, baud rate 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 38.4, 57.6, 115.2 kbit/s operating mode Modbus RTU transmission mode 8N2, 8E1, 8O1, 8N1 max. response time 600 ms max. no. of registers read in a single query- 61 – for 4-byte registers- 122 – for 2-byte registers implemented functions - 03, 04, 06, 16, 17- 03, 04 register readout- 06 single register writing- 16 writing of n-registers,- 17 device identificationDefault settings: address 1, baud rate 9.6 kbit/s, mode RTU 8N29.2 Examples of registers' readout and writeReadout of n-registers (code 03h)Example 1. Readout of two 16-bit integer registers, starting with the register address 0FA0h(4000) - register values 10, 100.Request:Deviceaddress FunctionRegister address Number of registers CRCchecksumB1 B0 B1 B001 03 0F A0 00 02 C7 3DResponse:Deviceaddress FunctionNumber ofbytesValue from the register0FA0 (4000)Value from the register0FA1 (4001)CRCchecksumB1 B0 B1 B001 03 04 00 0A 00 64 E4 6FExample 2. Readout of two 32-bit float registers as a combination of two 16-bit registers, startingwith the register address 1B58h (7000) - register values 10, 100.Request:Deviceaddress FunctionRegister address Number of registers CRCchecksumB1 B0 B1 B0