Copyright Notice©2004-2007 Magellan Navigation, Inc. All rights reserved.TrademarksAll product and brand names mentioned in this publicationare trademarks of their respective holders.Magellan Professional Products - Limited Warranty (North,Central and South America)Magellan Navigation warrants their GPS receivers and hard-ware accessories to be free of defects in material and work-manship and will conform to our published specifications forthe product for a period of one year from the date of originalpurchase. THIS WARRANTY APPLIES ONLY TO THE ORIGI-NAL PURCHASER OF THIS PRODUCT.In the event of a defect, Magellan Navigation will, at its op-tion, repair or replace the hardware product with no charge tothe purchaser for parts or labor. The repaired or replaced prod-uct will be warranted for 90 days from the date of return ship-ment, or for the balance of the original warranty, whichever islonger. Magellan Navigation warrants that software products orsoftware included in hardware products will be free from de-fects in the media for a period of 30 days from the date ofshipment and will substantially conform to the then-currentuser documentation provided with the software (including up-dates thereto). Magellan Navigation's sole obligation shall bethe correction or replacement of the media or the software sothat it will substantially conform to the then- current user doc-umentation. Magellan Navigation does not warrant the soft-ware will meet purchaser's requirements or that its operationwill be uninterrupted, error-free or virus-free. Purchaser as-sumes the entire risk of using the software.PURCHASER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY UNDER THIS WRIT-TEN WARRANTY OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY SHALL BELIMITED TO THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT, AT MAGEL-LAN NAVIGATION'S OPTION, OF ANY DEFECTIVE PART OFTHE RECEIVER OR ACCESSORIES WHICH ARE COVEREDBY THIS WARRANTY. REPAIRS UNDER THIS WARRANTYSHALL ONLY BE MADE AT AN AUTHORIZED MAGELLANNAVIGATION SERVICE CENTER. ANY REPAIRS BY A SER-VICE CENTER NOT AUTHORIZED BY MAGELLAN NAVIGA-TION WILL VOID THIS WARRANTY.To obtain warranty service the purchaser must obtain a ReturnMaterials Authorization (RMA) number prior to shipping bycalling 1-800-229-2400 (press option #1) (U.S.) or 1-408-615-3981 (International), or by submitting a repair requeston-line at: Thepurchaser must return the product postpaid with a copy of theoriginal sales receipt to the address provided by Magellan Nav-igation with the RMA number. Purchaser’s return address andthe RMA number must be clearly printed on the outside of thepackage.Magellan Navigation reserves the right to refuse to provide ser-vice free-of-charge if the sales receipt is not provided or if theinformation contained in it is incomplete or illegible or if theserial number is altered or removed. Magellan Navigation willnot be responsible for any losses or damage to the product in-curred while the product is in transit or is being shipped forrepair. Insurance is recommended. Magellan Navigation sug-gests using a trackable shipping method such as UPS or Fe-dEx when returning a product for service.EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, ALLOTHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUD-ING THOSE OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE,MERCHANTABILITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HERE-BY DISCLAIMED AND IF APPLICABLE, IMPLIED WARRAN-TIES UNDER ARTICLE 35 OF THE UNITED NATIONSCONVENTION ON CONTRACTS FOR THE INTERNATIONALSALE OF GOODS. Some national, state, or local laws do notallow limitations on implied warranty or how long an impliedwarranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.The following are excluded from the warranty coverage: (1) pe-riodic maintenance and repair or replacement of parts due tonormal wear and tear; (2) batteries and finishes; (3) installa-tions or defects resulting from installation; (4) any damagecaused by (i) shipping, misuse, abuse, negligence, tampering,or improper use; (ii) disasters such as fire, flood, wind, andlightning; (iii) unauthorized attachments or modification; (5)service performed or attempted by anyone other than an au-thorized Magellan Navigations Service Center; (6) any prod-uct, components or parts not manufactured by MagellanNavigation; (7) that the receiver will be free from any claim forinfringement of any patent, trademark, copyright or other pro-prietary right, including trade secrets; and (8) any damage dueto accident, resulting from inaccurate satellite transmissions.Inaccurate transmissions can occur due to changes in the po-sition, health or geometry of a satellite or modifications to thereceiver that may be required due to any change in the GPS.(Note: Magellan Navigation GPS receivers use GPS orGPS+GLONASS to obtain position, velocity and time informa-tion. GPS is operated by the U.S. Government and GLONASSis the Global Navigation Satellite System of the Russian Fed-eration, which are solely responsible for the accuracy andmaintenance of their systems. Certain conditions can causeinaccuracies which could require modifications to the receiv-er. Examples of such conditions include but are not limited tochanges in the GPS or GLONASS transmission.) Opening, dis-mantling or repairing of this product by anyone other than anauthorized Magellan Navigation Service Center will void thiswarranty.MAGELLAN NAVIGATION SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO PUR-CHASER OR ANY OTHER PERSON FOR ANY INCIDENTALOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUD-ING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS, DAMAGES RE-SULTING FROM DELAY OR LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF ORDAMAGES ARISING OUT OF BREACH OF THIS WARRANTYOR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY EVEN THOUGH CAUSED BYNEGLIGENCE OR OTHER FAULT OFMAGELLAN NAVIGATIONOR NEGLIGENT USAGE OF THE PRODUCT. IN NO EVENTWILL MAGELLAN NAVIGATION BE RESPONSIBLE FORSUCH DAMAGES, EVEN IF MAGELLAN NAVIGATION HASBEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.This written warranty is the complete, final and exclusiveagreement between Magellan Navigation and the purchaserwith respect to the quality of performance of the goods andany and all warranties and representations. This warranty setsforth all of Magellan Navigation's responsibilities regardingthis product. This limited warranty is governed by the laws ofthe State of California, without reference to its conflict of lawprovisions or the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the Inter-national Sale of Goods, and shall benefit Magellan Navigation,its successors and assigns.This warranty gives the purchaser specific rights. The purchas-er may have other rights which vary from locality to locality (in-cluding Directive 1999/44/EC in the EC Member States) andcertain limitations contained in this warranty, including theexclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damagesmay not apply.For further information concerning this limited warranty,please call or write:Magellan Navigation, Inc., 960 Overland Court, San Dimas,CA 91773, Phone: +1 909-394-5000, Fax: +1 909-394-7050 orMagellan Navigation SA - ZAC La Fleuriaye - BP 433 - 44474Carquefou Cedex - France Phone: +33 (0)2 28 09 38 00,Fax: +33 (0)2 28 09 39 39.