42Position ScreensPosition screens #1 and #2 display your present position us-ing the coordinate systems that you have selected. This screenshows all of the basic position, time and satellite information.Additionally, on Position screen #1, current navigation infor-mation is shown in the bottom half of the screen.For the sake of comparison, Position screen #2 provides thecoordinates of your present position both in the selected pri-mary coordinate system and map datum, and in the selectedsecondary coordinate system and map datum.Position screen #1 contains the following information, fromtop to bottom:- Coordinates and elevation of your current position: Dis-plays your current position in the chosen coordinate sys-tem. Also displays the elevation of the current position. IfMobileMapper Pro is not computing position fixes, the lastcomputed position is displayed.- GPS Satellite Status: Provides information on the currentstatus of the GPS receiver portion of the MobileMapperPro (see table below).Message DescriptionSearching - 1st sat Searching for 1st satelliteSearching - 2nd sat 1st satellite found; searching for 2nd satelliteSearching - 3rd sat 2 satellites are being tracked; searching for a 3rdSearching - 4th sat 3 satellites are being tracked; searching for a 4thCollecting Data All satellites needed for position fix are beingtracked and position is being computedAveraging MobileMapper Pro is computing fixes; speed isnear 0.0 and so position is being averagedEPE xxx. Estimated Position Error. MobileMapper Pro iscomputing fixes while movingDGPS Computed fixes are being differentially correctedPosition Screens 1 & 2To switch from a screento the other, just pressthe Left or Right arrowkey.The same data as onPosition screen 1 isdisplayed on Positionscreen 2 except thatthe lower part of thescreen, containing thetwo data fields and thetrip odometer field, isreplaced with the cur-rent position’s coordi-nates expressed in thechosen secondary coor-dinate system and mapdatum.