22 ENGLISHVertical viseWARNING: The workpiece must be securedfirmly against the turn base and guide fences withthe vise during all operations. If the workpiece isnot properly secured against the fence the materialmay move during the cutting operation causingpossible damage to the blade, causing the materialto be thrown and loss of control resulting in seriouspersonal injury.The vertical vise can be installed in two positions eachon the left and right side of the base. Insert the vise rodinto one of the holes in the base.Position the vise arm according to the thickness andshape of the workpiece and secure the vise arm bytightening the clamping screw. If the clamping screwcontacts the carriage, install it on the opposite side ofvise arm. Make sure that no part of the tool contacts thevise when lowering the handle all the way. If some partcontacts the vise, re-position the vise.Press the workpiece flat against the guide fences andthe turn base. Position the workpiece at the desiredcutting position and secure it firmly by tightening thevise knob.124 3 5► 1. Holes 2. Vise rod 3. Vise arm 4. Clamping screw5. Vise knobHorizontal viseOptional accessoryWARNING: Always rotate the nut holderclockwise until the workpiece is properly secured.If the workpiece is not properly, secured the materialmay move during the cutting operation causing pos-sible damage to the circular saw blade, causing thematerial to be thrown and loss of control resulting inserious personal injury.WARNING: When cutting a thin workpiece,such as base boards, against the fence, alwaysuse the horizontal vise.CAUTION: When cutting the workpiece of thethickness 20 mm (13/16″) or thinner, make sure touse a spacer block to secure the workpiece.The horizontal vise can be installed either on the left oron the right side of the base. When performing 22.5° orgreater miter cuts, install the horizontal vise on the sideopposite to the direction in which the turn base is to beturned.By flipping the nut holder counterclockwise, the viseis released, and rapidly moves in and out. To grip theworkpiece, push the vise knob forward until the viseplate contacts the workpiece and flip the nut holderclockwise. Then turn the vise knob clockwise to securethe workpiece.123► 1. Vise plate 2. Nut holder 3. Vise knobNOTE: The maximum width of workpiece which canbe secured by the horizontal vise is 68 mm (2-11/16″).Sub baseWARNING: Always support a long workpieceso it is level with the top surface of the turn basefor an accurate cut and to prevent dangerous lossof tool control. Proper workpiece support will helpavoid blade pinch and possible kickback which mayresult in serious personal injury.WARNING: Before the cutting operation,always be sure that the sub bases are secured bythe screws.To hold long workpieces horizontally, sub bases areprovided on both sides of the tool. Loosen the screwsand extend the sub bases to the appropriate length forholding the workpiece. Then tighten the screws.12► 1. Sub base 2. Screw