Unloading Film-___-~--- ,,, >, ,,mirror may lock in the up position,which results in rapid depletion of thebattery. Should the mirror lock in theraised position for the above reason,f i r s t c o n t i n u e t o r o t a t e t h e f i l m a d v a n c ecrank until it stops (after the fixed num-ber of exposures (15 or 30) have beentaken, the film advance crank shouldbe rotated more than one full turn),then lower and raise the mirror lock-uplever, and the mirror will return to itsnormal position, simultaneously termi-nating needless electrical consump-tion( T h e o n l y t i m e i t i s n e c e s s a r y t o s t r o n g l ydepress the upper shutter release but-ton is in the event that the mirror locksin the raised position upon releasingthe shutter when working at extremelyl o w t e m p e r a t u r e s . A t s u c h a t i m e , i f t h efilm is advanced afler first strongly de-pressing the release button, then lowerand raise the mirror lock-up lever, them i r r o r w i l l l o w e r a n d t h e c a m e r a w i l l b eready for the next exposure.)1. After the fixed number of exposureshave been taken (15 for 120, 30 for 220)the shutter release button will lock. Atthat time, wind the film advance crankuntil the leader paper is completelywound onto the take-up spool. (Whenwinding is complete, resistance willno longer be felt on the film advancecrank.)2. Open the back cover, remove ther o l l - f i l m i n s e r t a n d t h e e x p o s u r e c o u n t e rwill reset to S (Start). The exposurecounter will not reset to S if the insertis not removed.3. Remove the film from the film insert,exercising care that the film does notl o o s e n , a n d s e a l i t .31