Depth-of-field refers to the total area (foreground and background) which willappear in focus (sharp). The area of sharpness (depth-of-field) depends uponthe distance the lens is focused at, the f/stop (or aperture) being used, and thefocal length of the lens. The area that will appear sharp can be determined inthree ways:1. The Depth-of-Field can be directly viewed on the focusing screen by gentlypushing the Depth-of-Field preview lever upward, as far as it will go. When re-leased, the spring-loaded lever will return to its original position and at thes a m e t i m e , t h e d i a p h r a g m o f t h e l e n s w i l l r e t u r n t o m a x i m u m a p e r t u r e f o r b r i g h tv i e w i n g .2. The depth-of-field can also be determined by referring to the depth-of-fieldscale engraved on the lens and which lies directly above the aperture ring. Thef/stop numbers are engraved on both the right and left-hand sides of the centerreference mark. Simply locate the f/stop (aperture) you are using and read thefigures which appear above the f/stop number on the distance scale of the lens.For example, with the 80mm f/2.8 lens focused at 10ft. (3m) and the aperture ringset to f/16, the depth-of-field scale reveals that everything from about 7ft. (2m)to about 20ft. (6m) will appear sharp (see photograph).3. The lens can also be-stopped down to the preselected aperture for directviewing of the Depth-of-Field by using the AM lever on the lens instead of thecamera Depth-of-Field preview lever. To do so, move the lever so that M(Manual) is visible. You can take a picture in this condition while observing theDepth-of-Field.*When desiring to use the Depth-of-Field preview lever with the 70mm f/2.8lens (w/built-in between-the-lens shutter), first set the shutter speed ring of thelens to F (Focal plane shutter) index mark.48