Using the Delayed S Shutter Release..~..Attach the camera to a tripod or placeit on a firm support. (If the camera sup-port protrudes beyond the front of thecamera body, cock the delayed shutterrelease before placing it on the sup-port).1. Advance the film and cock the shut-ter with the film advance crank2. Cock the delayed shutter releaseby rotating the lever (14) clockwiseWhen fully rotated (approx. 180°) therewill be a 10 sec. delay, and when ro-tated approximately 90°, there will be a5 sec delay before the shutter is re-leased (Rotating the lever less than 90°will fail to cock the delayed shutterrelease.) When the spring-loaded de-layed shutter release lever (14) is re-leased, it will return to its originalposition, xposing the activating lever(A)3. Push the activating lever in the di-rection of the engraved arrow to startthe delayed shutter release.4. The upper shutter release button willm o v e w h e n t h e d e l a y e d s h u t t e r r e l e a s eis activated. Do not advance the filmuntil the upper shutter release buttonreturns to its normal (raised) position.*If desiring to stop the delayed shutterrelease after it has already started,merely reset the lever (14) and it wills t o p .*Even after cocking the delayed shut-ter release, the shutter can be tripped5 2