61.PHONE START UP AND MENUSCREEN(Firmware version and later)The Portal screen that is displayed right after startingup the phone depends on whether you start up thephone by using an XML application with its home URLregistered or without its home URL registered. Thissection provides sample screen displays for bothcases, and explains how to start up the menu screen.• STARTING UP THE PHONE (with ahome URL registered)• The phone automatically accesses the homeURL, and displays the received XML applica-tion as Portal screen.• Click to display the menu screen.The screen that is to be displayed as the Portalicon is the screen of the XML application that is reg-istered as the home URL.TIPHOME URL:A home URL is the address information of the applica-tion that is to be accessed first after the phone is started.Home URL registration is performed at installation. Fordetails, contact the system administrator.PORTAL SCREEN:A Portal screen is the home (entrance) screen of thephone. When you use multiple XML applications, theURL that is registered as the home URL is the Portalscreen: this is where other XML applications can beaccessed.When a home URL is not registered, the default homescreen of the phone (Desktop screen or DESI-lessscreen) is the Portal screen.NoteThe following XML application screen or the Portalscreen icon is a sample. The actual screen that is dis-played on your phone may vary depending on the appli-cation you use.Ubiquitous TouristHotelMapRestaurantTransportationMiscellaneousMenuPortalHistory Directory SettingUbiquitous TouristHotelMapRestaurantTransportationMiscellaneousService