121HOW TO INPUT CHARACTERSThis section explains how to enter characters on the text input screen such as Name or User ID, etc.• Character Entry ModeWhen entering characters from the telephone set, the following three modes are available: uppercase alphabet-ical character, lowercase alphabetical character and numeric character. The character entry mode can bechanged by pressing (alphabetical / numeric) or from the SubMenu screen (uppercase / lowercase alpha-bet).The enabled entry mode is indicated in the top portion of the LCD screen.*Uppercase Alphabetical Lowercase AlphabeticalNumeric Character ModeBy pressing “*” keyIndicates the enabled character mode.Input a name.[Name]OKBackOptionBK12Word-widthSubMenu345678PasteSpaceChange-wordOKCancelCutDeleteCopyReturnOverwrite/Insert910↓ ↓Word-caseCharacter ModeCharacter Mode Select “2 Word-case” to switchbetween uppercase and lowercase.or from SubMenu(select “1 Change-word”)MAInput a name.[Name]OKBackOptionBKM1Input a name.[Name]OKBackOptionBKMa