137EMERGENCY CALLThe user can make a call to a predeterminedemergency telephone number while the telephone islocked (in Security mode). This function is available onthe telephone with Security.STEP 1: Lift the handset while the telephone is locked(the screen saver is activated).STEP 2: Dial an emergency telephone number bypressing digit keys(0-9, *, #).STEP 3: After a conversation, replace the handset.The LCD turns to time display. (Securitymode is released.)Note The user can make an emergency call to only the pre-determined number. For details on the setting of theemergency number, contact the system administrator.Note Emergency call cannot be made with Speaker.TIP When pressing Unlock, the telephone prompts for theSecurity mode cancellation password.Note Emergency telephone number needs to be set inadvance. For the setting of the emergency telephonenumbers, contact the system administrator.Dial Emergency Number OnlyUnlockNoteThe user can make a call to only the predeterminednumber. When telephone numbers other than the pre-determined emergency number are dialed, the follow-ing message appears (after a few seconds, the displaygoes back to "Dial Emergency Number Only” screen).NoteWhen the user makes a call with emergency telephonenumber, the call will be back from the emergency tele-phone number and security lock will be released. Forthe terminal firmware version or later, the secu-rity lock will be set after 60 minutes from releasingsecurity mode.Invalid dial.911