English-3EnglishSub Menu(Icon Select)Press“–” or “+”Sub Menu (Adjust)Press “SELECT” keyPress“–” or “+”Example Tool:Press “SELECT” keyPress “SELECT” keyMain Menu(Icon Select, Analog Input) Main Menu (Adjust)Press“SELECT”keyPress“SELECT”keyPress “SELECT” keyAdjust by using“–” or “+”Adjust by using“–” or “+”AUDIOControl the sound volume of speakers and headphone.To mute the speaker sound, press the 1<->2/RESET key.BRIGHTNESSAdjusts the overall image and background screen brightness.CONTRASTAdjusts the image brightness in relation to the background.AUTO CONTRAST (Analog Input only)Adjusts the image displayed for non-standard video inputs.AUTO ADJUST (Analog Input only)Automatically adjusts the Image Position, the H. Size andFine setting.LEFT/RIGHT (Analog Input only)Controls Horizontal Image Position within the display area ofthe LCD.DOWN/UP (Analog Input only)Controls Vertical Image Position within the display area of theLCD.H. SIZE (Analog Input only)Adjusts the horizontal size by increasing or decreasing thissetting.FINE (Analog Input only)Improves focus, clarity and image stability by increasing ordecreasing this setting.COLOUR CONTROL SYSTEMSFour colour presets (9300/7500/sRGB/USER/NATIVE) selectthe desired colour setting.The sRGB and NATIVE, colour presets are standard andcannot be changed.COLOUR REDIncrease or decreases Red. The change will appear onscreen.COLOUR GREENIncrease or decreases Green. The change will appear onscreen.COLOUR BLUEIncrease or decreases Blue. The change will appear onscreen.TOOLSelecting TOOL allows you to get into the sub menu.FACTORY PRESETSelecting Factory Preset allows you to reset all OSM controlsettings back to the factory settings. The RESET button willneed to be held down for several seconds to tage effect.Individual settings can be reset by highlighting the control tobe reset and pressing the RESET button.EXITSelecting EXIT allows you exit OSM menu/ sub menu.LANGUAGEOSM control menus are available in nine languages.OSM TURN OFFThe OSM control menu will stay on as long as it is in use.In the OSM Turn OFF submenu, you can select how long themonitor waits after the last touch of a button to shut off theOSM control menu. The preset choices are 10 - 120 secondsby 5 seconds step.OSM LOCK OUTThis control completely locks out access to all OSM controlfunctions without Brightness and Contrast. When attemptingto activate OSM controls while in the Lock Out mode, ascreen will appear indicating the OSM are locked out. Toactivate the OSM Lock Out function, press “1<->2/ RESET”,then “+” key and hold down simultaneously. To de-activate theOSM Lock Out, press “1<->2/ RESET”, then “+” key and holddown simultaneously.RESOLUTION NOTIFIERIf ON is selected, a message will appear on the screen after30 seconds, notifying you that the resolution is not at optimalresolution.DDC/CITurns ON or OFF the two way communication and control ofthe monitor.MONITOR INFOIndicates the model and serial numbers of your monitor.OSM WarningOSM Warning menus disappear with SELECT button.NO SIGNAL: This function gives a warning when there is nosignal present. After power is turned on or when there is achange of input signal or video is inactive, the No Signalwindow will appear.RESOLUTION NOTIFIER: This function gives a warning ofuse with optimized resolution. After power is turned on orwhen there is a change of input signal or the video signaldoesn’t have proper resolution, the Resolution Notifierwindow will open. This function can be disabled in the TOOLmenu.OUT OF RANGE: This function gives a recommendation ofthe optimized resolution and refresh rate. After the power isturned on or there is a change of input signal or the videosignal doesn’t have proper timing, the Out Of Range menuwill appear.2. OSM structure01_English 10/1/07, 1:06 PM3