English−100Appendix A External ResourcesAdditional specification documents and accessories, and optional software applications referenced in this product manual arelisted below.NEC Display Solutions regional websitesGlobal: https://www.nec-display.com/global/Asia-Pacific: https://www.nec-display.com/ap/contact/North America: https://www.necdisplay.comEurope, Russia, Middle East and Africa: https://www.nec-display-solutions.comJapan: https://www.nec-display.com/jp/Additional Documentation“NEC LCD Monitor - External Control” PDF documentThis document defines the communications protocol for externally controlling and querying the display via either RS-232C orLAN. The protocol uses encoded binary and requires calculation of checksums, and most functionality in the display can becontrolled using these commands. A simpler protocol is also available for less demanding applications (see below).This document is available for download from the NEC Display Solutions website in your region.A Python programming language based SDK (Software Development Kit) is also available that encapsulates thiscommunications protocol into a Python library for rapid development.https://github.com/NECDisplaySolutions/necpdsdk“Projector/ Monitor Common ASCII Control Command - Reference Manual” PDF documentThis document defines the communications protocol for externally controlling the basic functions of the display via LAN using asimple English-like syntax. It is suitable for easy integration into existing control systems. Functionality such as controlling andquerying the power state, video inputs, volume, and status is available. The protocol uses ASCII encoding and doesn’t requirecalculation of checksums.This document is available for download from the NEC Display Solutions website in your region.“Raspberry Pi Compute Module - Setup Guide” PDF documentThis document describes the features, installation, connectivity, and configuration of the Raspberry Pi ComputeModule, which is an optional component available for this model. The required DS1-IF10CE Compute ModuleInterface Board and Raspberry Pi Compute Module are available separately. Please contact an authorized NECdealer or visit the NEC Display Solutions website in your region for purchase information and availability.This document can be downloaded from:https://www.nec-display.com/dl/en/manual/raspberrypi/