2-16 General DescriptionHard Disk Drive LEDHard Disk LED Description ActionNot on The disk is in the idle state.Green Accessing the diskAmber Disk failure Contact a maintenanceservice company.Blinking in amber(Illuminate in green whenaccessing the disk)The mirror of the disk isdisconnected.Perform mirroring.Blinking in green and amberin turnThe hard disk drive configuration(rebuild) is on going.Wait for a while; the LEDblinks in green afterrebuild finishes. If therebuild fails, the LEDilluminates in amber.Access LED on the DVD-ROM driveThis LED illuminates when the installed DVD or CD-ROM is being accessed.LAN Connector LED LINK/ACT LEDThe LINK/ACT LED shows the status of a standard network port. It is green if power issupplied to the main unit and hub, and they are connected correctly (“LINK”). It blinksgreen while the network port sends or receives data (ACT).When the LED does not illuminate during “LINK,” check the condition and connectionof network cables. If there is nothing wrong with the cables, a defect is suspected in thenetwork (LAN) controller. In this case, contact your sales agent. Speed LEDThis LED indicates the network interface of the communication mode used by anetwork port.1000BASE-T and 100BASE-TX are the supported LAN port types. When this LEDilluminates in amber, the port is operating on 1000BASE-T; when in green,100BASE-TX; and when not illuminate, 10BASE-T.