2-22 General DescriptionPower ONTo power on NEC Express5800/ft series, press the POWER switch (the one whose in-built LEDis lit).Follow the steps below to turn on the power.1. Power on the display unit and other peripheral devices connected to the server.CHECK:If the power code is connected to a power controller like a UPS, ensurethat it is powered on.2. Remove the front bezel.3. Press the power switchlocated on the front panel.Lift up the acrylic cover infront of the power switch,and press power switch ofthe front panel.After a while, the “NEC”logo will appear on thescreen.IMPORTANT:Do not turn off the powerbefore you see the “NEC”logo and a character belowthe logo.While the “NEC” logo isdisplayed on the screen,NEC Express5800/ft seriesis performing a power-onself test (POST) to checkitself. For details, see“POST Check” described later in this chapter.Upon the completion of POST, OS will start.CHECK:If the server finds errors during POST, it will interrupt POST anddisplay the error message. See Chapter 7.Power SwitchAcrylic cover