SECTION 5 INSTALLING THE MULTILINE TELEPHONES ANDOPTIONAL TERMINALS5.1 Installing the Multiline TelephonesThere are three types of Multiline Telephones available in the SL1100 system.• IP4WW-12TXH-B-TEL• IP4WW-24TXH-B-TEL• IP4WW-24TIXH-C-TEL (IP)5.1.1 Location of ControlsExit HelpFlashClear/BackABCGHI JKL MNOPQRS TUV WXYZDEFHoldSpeaker1 2 34 5 67 8 90 㧏Mute DNDTransferHandsetExitAlphanumeric DisplayIndicatorHelpSoft keyProgrammablefunction keys24T( )XH onlyDial keysHoldSpeakerSpeakerFlashTransferDNDMuteClear/BackCursor control keyLight SensorFigure 2-107 Multiline Telephone (12TXH/24TXH/24TIXH (IP))Table 2-26 Multiline Telephone Functions (12TXH/24TXH/24TIXH (IP))Functions 12TXH 24TXH 24TIXHProgramming Keys 12(Busy lamp field: Red-Green)24(Busy lamp field: Red-Green)24(Busy lamp field: Red-Green)Display 24-digit x 3 lines with BacklitHandsfree Full-duplexWall-Mount Kit Yes (Built-in) Yes (Optional)SoftKeys YesISSUE 6.0 SL1100Hardware Manual 2-77