Technical Information 1-5 Diskette Drive – Lights when data is written to or retrieved from the 3.5-inchdiskette drive. Caps Lock – Lights when Caps Lock mode is in effect. Num Lock – Lights when Num Lock mode is active. Pad Lock – Lights when the embedded numeric keypad lock is on. Battery Charging Status – Lights to indicate the following: Green – the battery is fully charged. Amber – the battery is charging. Light Off – the AC adapter is disconnected.KeyboardThe built-in, 83-key keyboard (U.S.) or 79-key keyboard (UK and Germany) uses the stan-dard QWERTY format. The keyboard provides 12 function keys and 7 cursor control keys,with an Fn key for ROM-based key functions. The numeric keypad is embedded in the stan-dard key layout.Figure Section 1-3 Keyboard LayoutNEC VersaGlideThe NEC VersaGlide is a built-in mechanism that functions as the system’s mouse. It con-trols the on-screen pointer (cursor). To use the VersaGlide, move your finger across theNEC VersaGlide pad, and the cursor follows. The buttons below the NEC VersaGlide al-low the user to select or deselect menu items. Tap and double-tap are supported on theVersaGlide pad.The PS/2 Microsoft mouse is the system’s default pointing device, driver for the NEC Ver-saGlide. If an external mouse is installed, then the VersaGlide is deactivated. A serialmouse is not supported.Function KeysControl Keys Embedded Numeric Keypad Cursor Control KeysEscSetupF1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 PauseBreak Ins DelPrtScSysReq!1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0_-+= BkSpScroll Lock HomePgUpPgDnEndTabQ W E R T Y U I O P {[}]|\ShiftA S D F G H J K L :;"'EnterCapLockZ X C V B N M <,>.?/ ShiftFn Ctrl Alt Alt Ctrl~`7 8 9 -4 5 6 +1 2 3 *0 . /