Field Service Guidelines 4-23PRODUCT INFORMATIONNEC FaxFlash is an automated electronic information service used to obtain up-to-dateproduct application notes, installation procedures, troubleshooting tips, data sheets, techni-cal information bulletins, price lists, and other information.Information can be obtained from the FaxFlash service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Us-ing a touch-tone telephone, call the FaxFlash number, order the desired informationthrough the automated attendant, and FaxFlash will automatically fax the information.Catalogs that list the documents and the document numbers are available. Current catalogsinclude: Catalog 1 – Telephone Directory and information about Online Services Catalog 3 – Product specifications, warranty policy, UltraCare guidelines, andsales information Catalog 5 – Pro Serva and Express 5800 Server System technical support infor-mation Catalog 6 – NEC Ready Systems technical support information Catalog 7 – Powermate Systems technical support information Catalog 8 – NEC Portable System (including Versa Notebooks and MobileProHandheld Personal computers) technical support informationORDERING INFORMATION FROM FAXFLASHOrder information from FaxFlash as follows:1. Check that the fax machine is on.2. Locate the document part number.3. Using a touch-tone telephone, call 1-888-329-0088 (U.S. and Canada only).For international use, enter the international long distance access number, theU.S. telephone number, and the U.S. extension (1-978-635-6090).4. Listen to the instructions provided by the automated attendant.Press 1 to skip the FaxFlash introduction and jump to the automated instructionsfor ordering a document or catalog.Press 2 for an introduction to FaxFlash, followed by the automated instructionsfor ordering a document or catalog.5. When asked by the automated attendant, enter your fax number and telephonenumber.