Introducing the Software 2-5 Applications — Includes any applications that Windows detects on yourhard disk during installation. NEC Utilities — Includes small programs written by NEC to help youmanage your NEC Versa computer.See the online Windows QuickStart 3.11 for detailed instructions on usingWindows for Workgroups.DOS INTRODUCTIONMS-DOS is the Microsoft disk operating system that runs the computerwhen Windows for Workgroups is loaded. DOS uses commands that everypersonal computer user needs to know at least a little about. The Windowsenvironment makes it possible for you to manage your system and applica-tion programs without knowing DOS commands, but as you become morecomfortable with computers you may want to begin learning DOS.For detailed instructions on how to use MS-DOS, refer to the online bookMS-DOS 6.22 QuickStart in the NEC Versa InfoCenter program group.Guide to Online HelpThe NEC Versa 6060 has plenty of information for you online. The NECVersa 6060 InfoCenter group contains information about your NEC Versa6060, warranty coverage, and customer services. For Windows for Work-groups see the printed documentation provided with your system.NEC VERSA HELP CENTERThe NEC Versa Help Center contains several specific areas of informationto help you. Audio tracks and animated examples make this an excitinglearning experience. (In some countries, the system ships with an onlineuser’s guide instead of the Help Center.) System TourThe NEC Versa System Tour gives you a complete tour of the system,pointing out components, switches, software and utilities. Take the tourto become comfortable with your new NEC Versa 6060. The BasicsThe Basics describes the NEC Versa 6060 main features, how to travelwith the system, use power management, and care for the system.