Using Your NEC Versa 4-1Using Your NEC VersaThe more you use your NEC Versa system, the more proficient you will be-come at everything, from using the function keys to setting up a presenta-tion.This chapter gives concise information on these and other important tasks,including how to use: the LCD panel the keyboard the NEC VersaGlide the NEC VersaBay II the 20X CD-ROM reader the PC card slots the IR port.In addition, this chapter focuses on installing options, expanding hard diskspace and memory, and (if appropriate) updating the system Basic In-put/Output System (BIOS).LCDWhen you open your NEC Versa notebook LCD, you’ll notice the bright-ness control and speakers. Slide the brightness control up to make yourscreen brighter. Slide the brightness control down to make your screendarker.The two system speakers work automatically with your audio applicationsoftware. However, if you plan on using external speakers, see “ExternalAudio Options.”4