Using the BIOS Setup Utility 3-7! System Memory — Displays the amount of system memory currently installed inyour system.! Time — Sets the time, enter the current hour, minute, and second in hr/min/sec,24-hour format.To set the time use the Tab or arrow keys to move from field to field. Use the PgUpor PgDn key to change the numbers within each field.! Diskette Drives — Designates the drive type for your diskette drives.! Internal Drives — Assigns devices to the internal drives, file bay and VersaBay, inyour system.! Boot Sector Virus Protection — Write protects the boot sector of the hard disk driveto avoid infection by some virus types.! Docking Station Drives — Enables or disables the drives installed in a dockingstation. (These options are only available when the NEC Versa is docked.)Advanced CMOS SetupUse the Advanced CMOS Setup to set the following functions.Advanced CMOS SetupParameter Default Setting Alternate Setting(s)Video Out Type NTSC PALLCD Panel ViewExpansionOn OffPS/2 Port Warm Swap Enabled DisabledInternal Mouse Enabled DisabledGraphics Aperture Size 256 MB 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 MB! Video Out Type — Specifies the signal type used by the video device connected tothe TV Out Port.! LCD Panel View Expansion — Specifies whether the panel view is reduced/off orexpanded/on.! PS/2 Port Warm Swap — Specifies whether or not you can swap a PS/2 deviceduring system operation.! Internal Mouse — Specifies whether or not you can use both the internal and theexternal mouse.