Distributor of NXP Semiconductors: Excellent Integrated System LimitedDatasheet of MCIMX53SMD - TABLET SABRE PLATFORM MCIMX53Contact us: sales@integrated-circuit.com Website: www.integrated-circuit.comFreescale Semiconductor MCIMX53SMD Board Hardware User’s Guide, Rev. 0 31All three actions result in the Dialog PMIC powering down the voltage regulators in reverse order of the powerup sequence, except for VLDO1. Subsequently, pressing the POWER button will initiate the same power upsequence as shown in Table 5-1.The various power rails supplied by the PMIC are discussed in the SMD Power Rails subsection. Other featuresof the Dialog PMIC implemented by the MCIMX53SMD board are discussed in the Backlight LED Driver, Touch-Screen Operation, and Miscellaneous sub-sections.5.2.1. SMD Power RailsTable 5-2 shows all the voltage supply rails used on the MCIMX53SMD board, their voltages and the majorsubsystems they supply on the board.Regulator Voltage Named Rails PowersVBUCKCORE 1.1V VBUCKCORE VDDGP VDDGPVBUCKPRO 1.3V VBUCKPRO VCC_1V3 VCCVBUCKMEM 1.5V VBUCKMEM DDR_1.5VDDRQ_1.5VNVCC_EMI_DRAMDDR3 SDRAMVBUCKMEM/SW 1.5V VMEM_SWDDR_1.5V (ALT)DDRQ_1.5V (ALT)ALTERNATE FOR:DDR3 SDRAM LOGICDDR3 SDRAM COREVBUCKPERI 2.5V VBUCKPERIVDD_REG_2V5NVCC_XTAL_2V5LVDS_2V5 (ALT)SATA_PHY_2V5 (ALT)VUSB_2V5 (ALT)VDD_REGNVCC_XTALALTERNATE FOR:LVDS MODULESATA MODULEUSB MODULE 2.5VVBUCKPERI/SW 2.5V VPERI_SWLVDS_2V5SATA_PHY_2V5VUSB_2V5LVDS MODULESATA MODULEUSB MODULE 2.5VBOOST Current Source VLCD_BLT EXPANSION PORTVLDO1 1.3V VLDO1_1V3_RTCNVCC_SRTCNVCC_SRTCVLDO2 1.3V DIG_PLL_1V3 ALTERNATE FOR:DIG_PLLGPSVLDO3 3.3V VLDO3_3V3 SD1_3V3 DebugI2C1/I2C2BOOT_SELNVCC-EIM-MAINNVCC_EIM_SECNVCC_SD1&2NVCC_PATANVCC_FECNVCC_GPIONVCC_KEYPADVLDO4 2.775V VIOHI_2V775 LCD_3V2(ALT)NVCC_LCD1NVCC_LCD2EXPANSION PORT (LCD)