W415-1713 / 06.30.17EN4welcomeDealer InformationName of Dealer:Dealer Location:Dealer Phone:Dealer E-mail:Customer:Customer Address:Date of Installation:Location of the appliance:Installer:Napoleon is proudly committed to your total home comfort. We are proud to say that our products continunouslysurpass industry standards and our inspiration is you! More than anything, we want you to feel confident inchoosing Napoleon for your home. Our products are designed to provide that confidence and ensure that everyNapoleon product is beyond compare.Napoleon products are designed with superior components and materials assembled by trained craftsmen whotake great pride in their work.A barrier designed to reduce the risk of burns from the hot viewing glass is provided with the appliance for yoursafety. This barrier must be installed.Your Napoleon fireplace has been thoroughly inspected by a qualified technician before packaging to ensure thatyou, the customer, receives the quality product that you expect from Napoleon.Dealer : Fill in your dealer information (or business card) and the appliance installation information below.congratulationsModel:L38NL50NLV38N-1LV50N-2LV62NLV74NLVX38NLVX50NLVX62NLVX74NL38N2L50N2LV38N2-1LV50N2-2LV62N2LV74N2LVX38N2LVX50N2LVX62N2LVX74N2L38PL50PLV38P-1LV50P-2LV62PLV74PLVX38PLVX50PLVX62PL38P2L50P2LV38P2-1LV50P2-2LV62P2LV74P2LVX38P2LVX50P2LVX62P2Serial Number:Dynamic Heat Control installed (Optional for LV / included for LVX)**Dynamic Heat Control™ not available for L models.Dealer: Business card locationAciesPropane:Natural Gas:VectorLuxuriaVector orLuxuria