W415-0910 / A / 09.16.1050IN NO WAY SHALL THE PRIMARY AIR CONTROL SYSTEM BE ALTERED TO INCREASE COMBUSTIONAIR FLOW GREATER THAN THE FACTORY PRESET MAXIMUM.8.1 CONTROL SYSTEM - WOOD FURNACE8.0 GENERAL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS8.2 CONTROL SYSTEM - SECONDARY FURNACE "ADD ON", "WOOD/OIL","WOOD/ELECTRIC", "WOOD/OIL/ELECTRIC" CONFIGURATIONS○ Control of the woodburning section of the furnace is by adjustment of the primary air control located onthe top rear right corner of the HMF150. This control operates in two set positions - "Full Open" allowingmaximum combustion air delivery to the fire box and "Closed", providing minimum primary air to the firebox to assist the development of secondary or gasifying burn in the top of the fire box (Note that secondarycombustion air enters through two inlets on the front of the furnace either side of the ash lip tray and is notadjustable).○ In the automatic mode the adjustment of primary air isaccomplished using a shutter connected to a small servo motor.The control circuitry will energize the motor if it detects the roomthermostat is calling for heat and the high limit sensor in thesupply plenum has not been surpassed (greater than 250°F).The primary air shutter will be fully opened and will remain sounless the room temperature has been satisfied or too muchheat is detected in the plenum.○ In the case where there has been a power outage it is possibleto increase the output of the firebox by manually adjusting theprimary air control shutter. On the front face of the primary aircontrol box a control arm and handle protrudes out. To increasecombustion push down on this handle, moving it towards thebottom of the clearance slot, keep the rod down by swingingthe clasp (also mounted to the front of the primary air controlbox) over top of the rod. This will continuously maintain themaximum combustion air being fed into the fire box. Althoughthe blower fan will not be inoperable in a power out situation,convection air flow through to the house will move under gravitycirculation.HIGH TEMPERATURES CAN BUILD IN THE HORIZONTAL DUCT WORK, TO ENSURE AIRCIRCULATING IN A GRAVITY METHOD, ENSURE ALL SUPPLY AND RETURN AIR GRILLS ARE NOTBLOCKED BY HOUSEHOLD ITEMS OR DEBRIS, AND ENSURE ANY MANUAL DAMPERS IN THEDUCT NETWORK ARE FIXED IN A FULL OPEN CONDITION.○ Control of the secondary heat source (either electric or oil) is done by a combination of a selector switchon the main furnace control panel and a second thermostat located beside and at the same height as thewood furnace thermostat. The selector toggle switch needs to be switched to the appropriate back upfurnace installed (can be switched to either oil or electric depending on energy rates if both backups areinstalled). The thermostat for the back up heat source should be set 2°C to 3°C below the setting for thewood thermostat. Thus once the heat from the wood section starts to decline, the corresponding decline inroom temperature will cause the second thermostat to call heat from the secondary heat source. Note thatinterlocks in the control system will force the secondary heat source to shut down if the temperature in thesupply plenum of the wood furnace exceeds the set value of the "High Limit" switch (250°F).