XR12 Troubleshooting ManualPage xvi Issue 3.0 2009-07-28Voltage awarenessEnsure that all personnel that are able to access areas with high voltage circuits or high field strengthsare aware of the hazards associated with high voltage. Cover the following topics:• High voltage or high field strength areas where caution is required• Physical risks of electric shock• Risks for personnel with pacemakers or other medical implants• Induced voltages in high field strength areas• On-site risks during thunderstorms and lightning strikes• Operation of safety interlocks (if installed)First aidNautel does not offer first aid training, since the hazards associated with high voltage and RF energyare not specific to the transmitter. However, the customer should provide first aid training to all per-sonnel who have access to the transmitter site. First aid training should include CPR, care of burns,artificial respiration, and defibrillation if specific equipment is available on-site.Site safetyControlling accessTransmitters and antennas generate and carry dangerous voltages that can be harmful or fatal. It isvery important that you control access to the site and its equipment. To secure your transmitter site,use:• Locking steel or security doors to prevent casual access• A perimeter fence to keep trespassers away from the antenna system and feedline• “No Trespassing” signs• An alarm system