XR12 Troubleshooting ManualPage xviii Issue 3.0 2009-07-28Safety interlocksThe transmitter contains an electrical interlock, which is an external circuit that turns off the RFoutput if any of its switches are opened.Ac disconnect switchSafe operation of the transmitter requires an ac disconnect switch. Lock the ac disconnect switch inthe disconnected (open) position during the installation process.Equipment safetyElectrostatic protectionThe transmitter’s systems are very rugged and resistant to damage. However, it is possible for damageto occur because of high voltage electrostatic discharges during servicing. Train all service personnelto ground themselves to bleed off any static charge before opening the transmitter or touching anyexposed components. Provide a grounding wand or known ground (e.g., a grounded metal table) thatpersonnel can use to discharge themselves.Surge protectionSurge protection is recommended for your entire site. However, even if you do not use a surgeprotector on the service entrance to the site, you should install a surge protector in the transmitter’sac power feed to prevent over-voltage from entering the transmitter.Lightning protectionThe transmitter is designed to resist lightning strike damage. However, intense or repeated strikescould damage the transmitter. We recommend that you install lightning suppression on the antenna,tower and feedline to reduce the effect of lightning strikes on the transmitter itself (and to protect therest of your site equipment and your personnel). For detailed information about lightning protection,see the Nautel Site Preparation Manual, available from your Nautel sales agent, or online from theNautel website.Physical protectionConsider physical hazards to equipment at your site, including the transmitter. Ensure that equipmentis protected from weather (e.g., rain or flooding), even during extreme weather events. Placeequipment so that it is not in the path of swinging doors or high-traffic areas. Do not allow wheeleditems like office chairs or tables with wheels in the transmitter room, as these may damage equipmentif accidentally pushed or knocked over. Do not place the transmitter under water pipes, drains, orsprinklers. Keep any equipment that generates heat, like the transmitter, away from flammablematerials like ceiling panels, cubicle dividers, and curtains.