XR12 Troubleshooting Manual Responding to alarmsPage 1-6 Issue 3.0 2009-07-28Table 1.1: Troubleshooting AlarmsSystem Diagram LEDs =SDRemote Interface Alarms =RIStatusMessageSystem Diagram LEDsRemote InterfaceAlarmsDescription/ActionAutoChangeoverSD: ChangeoverRI: Exciter ChangeoverThis event is caused by a fail in the activeexciter while the Auto Changeover function isenabled. See page 1-17.Cutback Level(1-8)RI: Cutback If three shutbacks occur within five seconds, thetransmitter will enter a power reduction modecalled a cutback. See page 1-18.Ext. InterlockOpenSD: External Alarm The external interlock input is wired to theremote interface PWB by the user. An alarm willbe triggered by user-set conditions (e.g., thestate of the door to the transmitter room). Seepage 1-10.Ext. PDMInhibitSD: External Alarm The external PDM Inhibit is wired to the remoteinterface PWB. See page 1-18.Fan P/S Fault SD: Low VoltagePower SupplyRI: LVPS FailThe fan power supply is monitored. An alarm willbe triggered if the fan power supply voltagevaries more than the specified limits. Seepage 1-13.High B+VoltageSD: AC Mains An alarm occurs if the B + voltage exceeds its setthreshold. See page 1-12.High DCCurrentSD: Power Supply This alarm occurs when the dc current goesabove its factory set threshold - 83 A.High RFCurrentSD: Output NetworkRI: RF OverCurrentAlarmThis alarm occurs when the RF current exceedsits factory-set threshold.High VSWRShutbackSD: Output NetworkRI: High VSWRThis alarm occurs when the reflected powerexceeds its factory-set threshold - approximately1,920 W. See also page 1-14.