Neo_M660 AT Command SetCopyright © Neoway Technology Co., Ltd 529.9 Receiving UDP Data: +UDPRECVDescription To receive UDP dataFormat +UDPRECV:,,Parameter : Link number, ranging from 0 to 4: The length of the data received: The data receivedAdd 0x0d 0x0a to the end of the data. You can identify the end based on <length>.ReturnValueSee the Example.Example+UDPRECV: 0,10,123456789010-byte data is successfully received onlink 0. The data is 1234567890.Remarks N/A9.10 Closing UDP Connection: +UDPCLOSEDescription To close the UDP connectionFormat AT+UDPCLOSE=Parameter : Link number, ranging from 0 to 4ReturnValueIf is illegal, the module returns: +UDPCLOSE: ERROR.Otherwise, the module returns +UDPCLOSE:,OK.Example AT+UDPCLOSE=1+UDPCLOSE: 1,OKThe TCP connection on link 1 is closedsuccessfully.AT+UDPCLOSE=5+UDPCLOSE: ERRORLink number errorRemarks N/A9.11 Querying TCP/UDP Link Status: +IPSTATUSDescription To query the TCP/UDP link statusFormat AT+IPSTATUS= AT+IPSTATUSParameter : Link number, ranging from 0 to 4ReturnValue AT+IPSTATUS= (Non-transparent transmission mode)+IPSTATUS:,,, : Link status, value: CONNECT or DISCONNECT: Link type, value: TCP or UDP: The size of the available send buffer on the module, in decimal