71RA The Exposure IndicatorWhen shutter speeds other than “Bulb” areselected, the exposure indicator showswhether the photograph would be under-or over-exposed at current settings.Optimal exposure Underexposed by 1/3 EV Overexposed by over 2 EVA ISO Sensitivity (P, S, A, and M Modes)When an “auto” option is selected for ISO sensitivity (0 172), the cam-era will automatically adjust sensitivity within the selected range ifoptimal exposure can not be achieved at the selected shutter speed oraperture.A The & (Feature) Menu (0 11)Pressing & in mode P, S, A, or M displays the items listed below.1 Shooting mode ..................................... 62 Shutter speed ............................... 68, 703 Aperture......................................... 69, 704 ISO sensitivity ....................................1725 AF-area mode....................................188Focus mode........................................184Metering .............................................166Picture Control ..................................173White balance....................................16715234