135ITo zoom in on a photograph, display it full frame and rotate themain command dial right. Playback zoom is not available withmovies or Motion Snapshots.The following operations can be performed:Playback ZoomTo Use DescriptionZoom in oroutRotate the main com-mand dial right tozoom in, left to zoomout. Whenever youzoom in or out, a navi-gation window willappear with the areacurrently visible in the display indicated by a yel-low border. Press 1, 3, 4, or 2 to scroll theimage.View otherareas ofimageView facesFaces (up to five)detected during facepriority are indicatedby white borders inthe navigation win-dow. Rotate the multiselector or sub-com-mand dial to viewother faces.Exit zoom J Return to full-frame playback.