xviNotice Concerning Prohibition of Copying or ReproductionNote that simply being in possession of material that has been digitally cop-ied or reproduced by means of a scanner, digital camera, or other device maybe punishable by law.• Items prohibited by law from being copiedor reproducedDo not copy or reproduce papermoney, coins, securities, govern-ment bonds, or local governmentbonds, even if such copies or repro-ductions are stamped “Sample.”The copying or reproduction ofpaper money, coins, or securitieswhich are circulated in a foreigncountry is prohibited.Unless the prior permission of thegovernment has been obtained, thecopying or reproduction of unusedpostage stamps or post cards issuedby the government is prohibited.The copying or reproduction ofstamps issued by the governmentand of certified documents stipu-lated by law is prohibited.• Cautions on certain copies and reproduc-tionsThe government has issued cautionson copies or reproductions of securi-ties issued by private companies(shares, bills, checks, gift certificates,etc.), commuter passes, or coupontickets, except when a minimum ofnecessary copies are to be providedfor business use by a company. Also,do not copy or reproduce passportsissued by the government, licensesissued by public agencies and pri-vate groups, ID cards, and tickets,such as passes and meal coupons.• Comply with copyright noticesThe copying or reproduction ofcopyrighted creative works such asbooks, music, paintings, woodcuts,prints, maps, drawings, movies, andp h o t o g r a p h s i s g o v e r n e d b ynational and international copyrightlaws. Do not use this product for thepurpose of making illegal copies orto infringe copyright laws.AVC Patent Portfolio LicenseTHIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED UNDER THE AVC PATENT PORTFOLIO LICENSE FOR THE PERSONALAND NON - COMMERCIAL USE OF A CONSUMER TO (I ) ENCODE VIDEO IN COMPLIANCE WITHTHE AVC STANDARD (“AVC VIDEO”) AND /OR ( II ) DECODE AVC VIDEO THAT WAS ENCODEDBY A CONSUMER ENGAGED IN A PERSONAL AND NON - COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY AND/ OR WASOBTAINED FROM A VIDEO PROVIDER LICENSED TO PROVIDE AVC VIDEO. N O LICENSE ISGRANTED OR SHALL BE IMPLIED FOR ANY OTHER USE. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BEOBTAINED FROM MPEG LA, L.L.C. S EE http://www.mpegla.com