172iChoose the size of photographs.❚❚ Standard PhotographsThe following options are available in still image and SmartPhoto Selector modes and when an option other than Easy pan-orama is selected in creative mode.* Print size in inches equals image size in pixels divided by printer resolutionin dots per inch (dpi; 1 inch=approximately 2.54 cm).❚❚ PanoramasThe following options are available when Easy panorama isselected in creative mode.1 Figures for horizontal and vertical panorama are reversed if camera isrotated 90 degrees.2 Print size in inches equals image size in pixels divided by printer resolutionin dots per inch (dpi; 1 inch=approximately 2.54 cm).Image SizeOption Size (pixels) Approximate print size at 300 dpi (cm/in.) *# 5232×3488; 18.2 M 5232 × 3488 44.3 × 29.5/ 17.4 × 11.6$ 3920×2616; 10.3 M 3920 × 2616 33.2 × 22.1/ 13.1 × 8.7% 2608×1744; 4.5 M 2608 × 1744 22.1 × 14.8/ 8.7 × 5.8Option Size (pixels) 1 Approximate print size at 300 dpi(cm/in.) 2A NormalpanoramaCamera pannedhorizontally: 4800 × 920 40.6 × 7.8/16.0 × 3.1Camera pannedvertically: 1536 × 4800 13.0 × 40.6/5.1 × 16.0B WidepanoramaCamera pannedhorizontally: 9600 × 920 81.3 × 7.8/32.0 × 3.1Camera pannedvertically: 1536 × 9600 13.0 × 81.3/5.1 × 32.0