FOREWORDThank you for purchasing the Nikon 28Ti QuartzDate. You are now the proud owner of asophisticated, high-tech camera that has beendesigned not only for automatic, masterfulsimplicity of operation but also to enable you toapply creative techniques to your photography. Tobenefit fully from the camera's advanced features,read this manual thoroughly. Get to know thecamera, including the symbols used for its controlbuttons and analog display system. Keep thismanual handy until you feel confident using thecamera. This way, you can enjoy all the rewards ofowning the 28Ti Quartz Date.IMPORTANT NOTES ON PANORAMAPICTURESIn some cases, your local film processing lab maynot be able to handle the printing of panorama sizepictures. For details, consult your local photo shopor camera dealer. Also, before you have your filmprocessed, ask your local photo shop aboutpossible options for processing panorama pictures.Note that panorama pictures are more expensiveand require a longer processing time than regularsize pictures.For easy identification, attach the appropriatesupplied adhesive label, “PANORAMA,” “NORMAL &PANORAMA MIXED” or “DEVELOP ONLY” to the filmcartridge when you bring the film to a photo shopfor processing.1) If an entire roll consists of panorama sizepictures, be sure to specify panoramaprocessing, explain that your film consistsentirely of panorama pictures, and attach a“PANORAMA” label on the film cartridge.2) When you have a mix of panorama and regularpictures on a single roll, you should have yourfilm processed according to one of the followingconditions: