Hf your local photo shop has photo processing In a panorama picture, only the middle portion ofmachinery equipped to process a single roll of film each regular size film frame is exposed. There is nothat contains a mix of both panorama and regular size __difference, however, in the number of pictures youpictures: can take with a roll, whether they be panorama,a) Explain that your film consists of a mix of regular size, or a mix of both.panorama and regular size pictures whenyou have your film processed and attach a“NORMAL & PANORAMA MIXED” label to the filmcartridge. Regular size frame Panorama frameHf your photo shop can only process either panoramaor regular size pictures per roll:b) Ask for development only, so you can reviewthe negative film before printing, and later ane fs Sol (ts oNspecify separate printing of panorama and 4: ome, aay 3 eaten ind oe pen qreqular size frames. Attach a “DEVELOP ONLY” ROT ERRUECREGE EATER DERElabel to the film cartridge.Print all of the pictures in regular size printsfirst, then later specify the panorama sizeframes on the film and have them printedagain in panorama size prints. Note thatwhen panorama pictures are printed asregular size pictures, the top and bottom ofeach picture are blacked out.PANORAMAG —