CUSTOM FUNCTION/FUNCIONES PERSONALIZADASUsingtheCustomFunctionfeature,youcan createacombinationoffunctionsthatare differentfromtheinitialfactorysetting.Thefollowing functionscan beselectedwith the 28TiQuartzDate.1) Auto flash mode: Auto flash (@' (03) or FlashCancel mode (Ui +3) (Automatic finder/analogdisplay illumination is also canceled)2) Exposure metering system: Matrix metering orCenter-Weighted meteringMatrix metering (@! 2 00): 28Ti Quartz Date’sinitial exposure metering system. 6-segmentmatrix sensor detects scene brightness andcontrast, and integrates with ISO and focusdistance information to provide an optimumexposure in complex lighting situations.Center-Weighted metering (f! ¢ 0}: Usefulin situations where you want to intentionallybase an exposure on the center of a scene.763)4)5)Viewfinder LCD: Shutter speed display(Ji 300), aperture display 0! 32, subjectdistance display in meters (f+ J 8), or subjectdistance display in feet @' 3 G3).Data imprint: Imprint any of the three datevariations on all film frames Gi 4 G8), or ontythe first frame of the roll and the first shot eachday (i 42). When time display (Day/Hour/Minute) is set, it imprints on all frames,regardiess of this data imprint setting. After youchange the time display (Day/Hour/Minute) toone of the date displays, the date will be printedon the first frame.Analog display reset (2 2 2): For resettingindicators when they deviate from their originalpositions. See pages 85-87.