63Enhancing ImagesColor BoosterThe Color Booster is used to enhance overall color saturation (vividness) according to the typeof subject (portrait or landscape).1Display the Color Booster paletteSelect the tool palette containing theColor Booster from the View menu (thedefault location for the Color Booster pal-ette is Tool Palette 1) and click the triangleat the top left corner of the palette.2If the Apply button is off ( ) , turn iton ( )3 Adjust settingsTarget Type: Select People to adjust saturation without affecting skin tones, Nature toadjust saturation for all colors in the image.Level: Use the slider to adjust saturation, or a enter a value between 0 and 100 in the textbox to its right.Auto: Optimize saturation to suit the selected subject type.The Color Booster Settings MenuClicking the triangle in the top rightcorner of the Color Booster palette displaysthe Color Booster settings menu.Apply button Settings buttonOption DescriptionCopy to Clipboard Copy current Color Booster settings to the clipboard.Load…Select this item to load settings previously saved using the Save… option (seebelow). A dialog will be displayed where you can navigate to the drive (volume)and direc tory containing the desired settings file (only files with the extension“.ncb” will be displayed). The settings in the Color Booster palette will instantlyrevert to the saved settings.Save…Select this item to save Color Booster settings to a named file. These settings canlater be recalled using the Load… option. Choosing Save… displays a dialogwhere you can choose a destination and file name for current Color Booster set-tings. Color Booster settings are saved with the ex tension “.ncb”.Reset to Neutral Reset Color Booster settings to default values.Recent filesRecent Color Booster settings files (up to four) are listed at the end of the settingsmenu. Selecting a file from the list sets the controls in Color Booster palette tothe saved settings.The Set tings MenuThe Color Booster Settings menu can also be displayed by selecting Color Booster from the Settings menu.