82Image AdjustmentSaving and Loading Image Adjustment SettingsImage adjustment settings for all tool pal-ettes (including the status of the Apply but-ton for each palette) can be copied to theclipboard and saved in combined settingsfile. When the combined settings are pastedor read into the Nikon Capture 4 Editor, theywill apply to all palettes simultaneously. These operations are performed using the commandsin the Settings > Image Adjustments menu, which also contains an option for restoring alltool palettes to default settings.Option DescriptionCopy toClipboardAll image adjustment settings for the image in the ac tive window are copied to theclipboard. You can paste them into the tool palettes for another window by selectingPaste from the Edit menu when the window is active.Load…Select this item to load settings previously saved using the Save… option (see be-low). A dialog will be displayed where you can navigate to the drive (volume) anddirec tory containing the desired settings file (only files with the ex tension “.set” willbe displayed). The settings in the Nikon Capture 4 Editor tool palettes will instantlyrevert to the saved settings.Save SelectedAdjustments…Choosing Save Selected Adjustments… displays the Copy Image Adjustmentdialog. Check the adjustments you want to save and click Copy to display a dialogwhere you can choose a destination and file name for the selected settings. The set-tings are saved with the extension “.set” and can later be recalled with the Load…option. If this file is later selected for batch processing, images will be processed ac-cording to the settings in the file ( 92, 116).Save AllAdjustments…Select this item to save settings to a named file. These settings can later be recalledusing the Load… option. Choosing Save… displays a dialog where you can choose adestination and file name for the current settings. If this file is later selected for batchprocessing, images will be processed according to the settings in the file ( 92, 116).Combination settings files are saved with the extension “.set”.Reset to UserDefaultSelect this option to restore the default settings selected for “User default” imageadjustments in the General tab of the Nikon Capture 4 Editor Preferences dialog (98 ) . In the case of the default settings file (“Neutral.set”), RAW images taken withthe D1X will be scaled to 100% (4,016 × 2,616 pixels).Reset AllAdjustments toNeutralResets all tool palettes to the settings in the default settings file (“Neutral.set”). Im-age adjustment settings in PictureProject will also be reset to defaults.Recent files Recent image adjustment settings files (up to four) are listed at the end of the set-tings menu. Selecting a file from the list restores the saved settings.