34Scene and Scene Assist ModesSPORTSWhile shutter-release button is held down, camera shoots about 2.2 framesper second (fps) until icon is displayed. Camera focuses continuouslyeven when shutter-release button is not pressed.SportSpectatorAs above, except that camera focuses at about 4.5 m/15 ft. (6 m/20 ft. at maxi-mum zoom) to infinity for improved shutter response.SportCompositeEach time shutter-release button is pressed, camera takes16 shots in about 2 seconds and arranges them in singlepicture (1,600 × 1,200 pixels) in size. Camera focusescontinuously even when shutter-release button is notpressed.Night Portrait Assist: Use for a natural balance between themain subject and background lighting in portraits shot atnight. This mode offers the same assist options as portrait as-sist mode. To prevent blurring, mount the camera on a tripodor rest it on a fl at, stable surface.Sports Assist: Capture motion in a series of high-speed shots.No framing guides are displayed. Focus, exposure, and whitebalance for all pictures are determined by the first shot in eachseries.OFF OFF OFF OFFOFF OFF OFF** AF-assist available inNIGHT PORTRAITmode.*