153Error MessagesTechnical Notes and IndexPSound file cannot besaved.A voice memo cannotbe attached to this file.• Voice memos cannot beattached to movies.• Select a picture taken withthis camera.–97PA blink was detectedin the picture justtaken.One or more portraitsubjects may haveblinked when thepicture was taken.Check the picture in playbackmode. 65NImage cannot bemodified.Cannot edit selectedpicture.• Be sure that the picturemeets editingrequirements.• Movies cannot be edited.99–PCannot record movie.Time out error whilerecording movie.Choose memory card withfaster write speed. 20NMemory contains noimages.No pictures in theinternal memory ormemory card.• To play back pictures storedin internal memory, removememory card from thecamera.• To copy picture frominternal memory tomemory card, press thed button. The copyscreen will be displayedand pictures in the internalmemory can be copied tomemory card.2098The picture has notbeen added to album.• Add the picture to album.• Choose the album that thepicture was added.7576No pictures arecontained in thecategory selected inauto sort mode.Select the categorycontaining the sortedpictures.82Display Description Solution A