206IPhoto InformationPhoto information is superimposed on images displayed in full-frame playback. There are up to 9 pages of information for eachphoto. Press 1 or 3 to cycle through photo information as shownbelow. Note that shooting data, RGB histograms, and highlightsare only displayed if corresponding option is selected for [Displaymode] (pg. 250; shooting data page 4 is only displayed if copyrightinformation was recorded with the photograph as described onpage 324). GPS data are only displayed if a GPS device was usedwhen the photo was taken.File information1/ 10100ND 30015 / 12/ 2007 10: 15 : 29 4288x2848NN OROR M ALALDSC _0001. JPGHighlights100- 1HighlightsSele ct R, G, BRGB histogram100--1HighlightsSelect R, G, B 100--1N I KO N D 300MTR, SPD, AP.EXP. MO D E , I SO, EXP. T UN I NGFOCAL LENG THLENSAF/ V RFL AS H MO D E,: , 1/ 125, F5. 6: , 200:0, 0: 35 mm: 18– 200/ 3. 5 – 5.6: S/ V R – O n:Shooting data page 4100--1N I KO N D300ART I STCOPYRI GHT: NI KON TARO: NI KONOverview data100ND 300 DSC_0001. JPG1/ 125 F5. 6 200 35 mmAUTO 0, 0N I KON D30015/ 12 / 2007 10: 15: 29 4288x2848N OROR M ALAL1 / 10GPS dataLATITUDE .LONGITUDEALTITUDETIME(UTC)HEADING:N:35 º 36. 371':E:139 º 43. 696':35m:15/ 12 / 2007:01:15:29:105. 07 º100--1N I KON D300Shooting data pages 1–3