116 Menu GuideChangemain/subExposure setting: If Off is selected,the main command dial controlsshutter speed and the sub-command dial controls aperture.If On is selected, the maincommand dial will controlaperture and the sub-commanddial shutter speed. If On (Mode A) is selected, the maincommand dial will be used to set aperture in shootingmode A only.Autofocus setting: If On is selected, autofocus mode can beselected by keeping the AF-mode button pressed androtating the sub-command dial, AF-area mode by keepingthe AF-mode button pressed and rotating the maincommand dial.Menus andplaybackIf Off is selected, the multi selector is used to choose thepicture displayed during full-frame playback, highlightthumbnails, and navigate menus. If On or On (imagereview excluded) is selected, the main command dial canbe used to choose the picture displayed during full-frameplayback, move the cursor left or right during thumbnailplayback, and move the menu highlight bar up or down.The sub-command dial is used in full-frame playback toskip forward or back according to the option selected forSub-dial frame advance and in thumbnail playback topage up or down. While menus are displayed, rotating thesub-command dial right displays the sub-menu for theselected option, while rotating it left displays the previousmenu. To make a selection, press 2 or J. Select On (imagereview excluded) to prevent the command dials frombeing used for playback during image review.Sub-dialframeadvanceWhen On or On (image review excluded) is selected forMenus and playback, the sub-command dial can berotated during full-frame playback to select a folder, to skipforward or back 10 or 50 frames at a time, or to skip to thenext or previous protected image, photo, or movie.Option Description